Bharat Phospho Plus

(1 Litre)

Phospho Plus is natural organic product which enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients.

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Product Details


  • Phospho Plus is natural organic product which enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients.
  • It contains well balanced combination of natural hormones.
  • It is enriched with essential micronutrients.
  • It also contains bioactive substances such as vitamins, hormones and enzymes that can directly or indirectly enhance plant growth and protection.
  • Improves plant root growth and development.
  • Enhances product quality and increases immune power of the crop.
  • Prevents premature flower and fruit drop.

Dosage :

  • 1 litre/acre by drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation method.
  • 5 ml/litre of water for foliar spay.

Package Size : 1 Litre

Method of Application: For Normal soil it can be repeated every 15 days, for Phosphorus Deficient soil, it can be repeated after 7-10 days.

Target Crops
Can be used in any crop like cereals, pulse, vegetables, tuber, fiber, ornamental, oil seeds and fruit crops.

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