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Who we are


Bharat Bio Gas Energy Ltd, was formed in 2014, is a India’s first innovative producers of Bio Natural CNG gas and Liquid Organic Manure, “Bharat Bio Nourish”. Through proprietary biotechnology, we utilize beneficial bacteria and beneficial fungi in variety of environmental and agricultural application.

Our focus is to provide advanced Organic, biological and nutritional products for a broad range of agronomic markets including agricultural crops, Horticultural crops, landscape management and home garden.

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Years Experience


To Provide Complete Solution to Agri-business Industry to Replace Chemical Fertilizers for Organic, Residue free & Healthy Farming and be Specialized in Agriculture field including Aquaculture with Latest Technology for Complete Customer Satisfaction”.


To make green energy more viable and profitable by making effective use of by products. Provide Organic products for Agriculture & Aquaculture farming to make this sector free from harmful impact of chemicals & reducing cost of cultivation to make farming affordable for all.

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