Bharat Guard

(1 Litre)

BHARAT GUARD is a liquid biofertilizer and biocontrol product obtained through a bio-process technology designed by Bharat Biogas Energy Limited.
BHARAT GUARD is an eco-friendly crop protective products contains large amount of biologically active essential oils which directly act through cell membrane disruption. It protects plant from pathogens, helps in better retention of FLowers, fruits and enhances the plant growth.

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Product Details


  • Ideal product for organic systems/ all-round integrated pest management programs farms and crops with a broad spectrum effectiveness.
  • Very stable formulation with zero residue levels and no post-harvest intervals (PHI).
  • Leads to a robust root development system which indirectly suppresses establishment of soil pathogens and reduces root diseases and pests.
  • Helps plants overcome environmental stress through strong and robust root development.
  • Minimizes disease damages from soil fungal pathogens and thus reduces pesticide use.
  • It can be used in Agricultural and Horticultural crops.

Dosage :

  • 1 litre/acre by drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation method.
  • 100 ml/ 20 litre of water for foliar spay.

Package Size : 1 Litre

Target Crops
Can be used in any crop like cereals, pulse, vegetables, tuber, fiber, ornamental, oil seeds and fruit crops.

Our Wide Range Of Products

Bharat Guard

Bharat Phospho Plus

Sporemax (Nano)

Sporemax (Granular) – Mycorrhiza

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